Welcome to 2024! This fall CLRA will be hosting its biannual reclaimation conference. Stay tuned for more details. Also watch for information as CLRA National prepares to celebrate it’s 50th year in 2025!
The Atlantic Chapter of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association / Association Canadienne de Rehabilitation des sites Degrades (CLRA/ACRSD) brings together people, ideas, and technology involved in reclaiming the earth in Atlantic Canada.
NEWSLETTER Spring 2023
Reclamation Magazine
Lyndon is collecting articles for the spring edition of the Reclamation Magazine. Please consider submitting articles about your projects here in Atlantic Canada. We love to see Atlantic projects represented in this nationally distributed magazine.
Also, any members who are interested in advertising in the Reclamation Magazine should know that some of those advertising dollars come back directly to our Atlantic Chapter. Please consider highlighting our region by advertising or submitting an article. Reach out to Lyndon at: lyndon@delcommunications.com
We’d love to hear from you!
Contact us with your ideas and feedback on our Newsletter and submit ARC2020 webinar presentation ideas by following the link below:
New Members Welcome!
To become a member of the CLRA, follow the link below: