Member Benefits
Among the benefits of membership are:
- Annual Membership Directory containing contact information for more than 1100 individual and corporate CLRA members involved in land reclamation across Canada;
- Receive Canadian Reclamation magazine in the mail two (2) times per year – featuring news, project articles, supplier information and much more information pertaining to land reclamation in Canada and around the world;
- Receive notices, calls for papers and discounted registration fees for National Annual Meetings and Conferences as well as Chapter events;
- Tremendous networking opportunities at National and Chapter events;
- Linkages with other professional land reclamation associations in the UK, USA, Australia and China;
- Members are some of the first to learn about new regulatory initiatives; membership provides access to regulatory workshops and lunch and learns (chapter specific);
- Access to discounted rates for Chapter lunch and learns and workshops;
- Fees help support educational awards and scholarships in land reclamation;
- CLRA activities can help you be involved with charitable opportunities (e.g. golf tournaments).
Membership Rates
Regular member: $75
Student member (full time students only): $15
Retirees: $25
Corporate Member (corporations, municipalities, governments or any other incorporated body): $250