The Atlantic Chapter Board of Directors wish to thank the many attendees of the May 4 Spring Reclamation Forum and Meet and Greet that was held in Moncton. The Spring Reclamation Forum was held in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting. We are pleased to welcome back the returning Board members as well as a former Board member from New Brunswick who was elected to the Board for another two year term. Welcome Vicki Nash! So wonderful to have you back on the Board.
The half day forum included five presentations from local practitioners, academics and elected officials. The theme this year was “Watercourse and Coastal Restoration and the Impacts of Climate Change”. All five presentations were well received by the audience as well as the closing Panel Discussion which included discussion on the Chignecto Isthmus. Panel members brought forward considerable insight on a number of topics, including some of the considerations for the isthmus that the Federal and Provincial governments need to consider as they move forward with finding solutions that are economical, not just in the short term capital cost but are sustainable in the long term when operational costs are factored into the decision.
We were also so thrilled to see another strong turnout of students at our event. The NBCC environmental class and other student participants made the function most useful as a learning experience. CLRA is a big supporter of student participation and we have our sponsors to thank for allowing us to keep costs for students to a minimum. Thanks again to Maritime Hydroseed, Fibramulch, Armtec, CBCL, Envirem Organics and R3 Environmental Systems.
We especially wish to thank the speakers who took the time to prepare very interesting presentations and were instrumental in making the Panel Discussion and Meet and Greet so rewarding an experience for all the attendees.
Please stay tuned for more news on our planned Fall 2023 activities. We hope to be announcing our plans for a workshop and field trip this September or October.