Welcome to the Atlantic Chapter of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association. Initiated in 2001, we represent all four Atlantic Provinces with members from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and participation from Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Our members and participants represent mining, emergent oil and gas interests, transportation, development and construction interests, ecological restoration organizations, First Nations, regulators, academia and students from local universities and community colleges as well as a wide variety of consulting firms and contractors. We actively include student participation from all post-secondary institutions with either an interest in reclamation or as a tool to expose students to reclamation, habitat restoration, environmental policies and issues and the lively discussions that ensue between the various interests involved in reclamation projects.
Part of our ongoing initiative to exchange information and expand our knowledge is to provide an annual conference that rotates around the region and highlights reclamation project or issues in the hosting area. The conference series, referred to as ARC, the Atlantic Reclamation Conference, was initiated in 2008. The Atlantic Chapter also grants scholarships to deserving students who participate in these conferences.
We welcome new members from all sectors with an interest in sharing knowledge, networking and celebrating successes in reclamation projects.
Board of Directors
President: Michele Coleman mcoleman@nbpower.com
Vice President: Tony Bowron tony.bowron@cbwes.com
Past President – Bob Pett pettrj@gov.ns.ca
Secretary- Treasurer: David Hopper dbhopper@gov.ns.ca
Fred Bonner fred.bonner@tblresourcesolutions.ca
Virgil Grecian virgil.grecian@wspgroup.com
Denis Rushton denis.rushton@stantec.com
Bob Rutherford bobrutherford@accesswave.ca
Andy Walter AWalter@strum.com
National CLRA
The Canadian Land Reclamation Association/Association canadienne de réhabilitation des sites dégradés (CLRA/ACRSD) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated in 1975. The Association encourages personal and corporate involvement where reclamation or rehabilitation of disturbed lands is planned or implemented.
Its members meet annually for technical discussion, information exchange and personal interaction. Local activities occur in Alberta, Atlantic Canada, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec where there are active provincial chapters.
The CLRA/ACRSD provides its members with up-to-date technical information through the publication of its newsletters, the magazine Canadian Reclamation and proceedings of its annual conferences. These publications allow the organization to have an informal, instructional role in the decision-making processes of reclamation/rehabilitation projects and to act as a forum for the dissemination of ideas and information pertinent to reclamation activities.